Étiquette : ansible

Ansible Playbook from Github Action

I’ve recently started a side project with Ansible and I wanted to automatise the Ansible playbook deployment with Github Action. Here is a tiny tutorial on how to use Github actions to run ansible playbooks to deploy stuff on Digital Ocean Droplets. SSH Key Before creating digital ocean droplets, you need to create a private…

Par seuf 2020-01-09 0

Ansible AWX in Kubernetes

AWX Since one year now, Red Hat open sourced Tower as AWX, the Web UI to deploy with Ansible. Awx allow you to manage all your Ansible projects, with inventories, encrypted credentials, playbooks, etc, in a great Web UI. For example, you can create in AWX multiple credentials which are encrypted into Awx database to…

Par seuf 2018-12-14 2

Ansible Mitogen

Today I discovered a new ansible strategy module that increase ansible performance a lot : Ansible Mitogen. Mitogen is a python library for writing distributed self-replicating programs. You can read a great article about this here : https://sweetness.hmmz.org/2018-03-06-quadrupling-ansible-performance-with-mitogen.html After some benchmark, I confirm : Mitogen is very fast ! I’ve divised my deployment by 2…

Par seuf 2018-05-28 2

How to Use Ansible with Jenkins and Gitlab

Ansible In this article I will try to explain how, here at OI-ERDF Lyon we use ansible Through Jenkins. Ansible is an Open source Deployment and automation tool. It is based on ssh, so no agents are required and it’s compatible on Linux / Aix / Solaris and even Windows ! It use playbooks, writted…

Par seuf 2015-11-19 4

Ansible pour déployer des agents Zabbix + auto-registration

+ Depuis quelques temps, j’utilise Ansible au boulot, et je doit dire c’est un outil super classe ! Je vais décrire ici comment déployer des agents Zabbix sur un ensemble de serveurs grâce à Ansible. Rôle zabbix_agent Voici le playbook zabbix_agent : zabbix_agent.yml — – hosts: all:!localhost roles: – role: zabbix_agent roles/zabbix_agent/task/main.yml — – name:…

Par seuf 2015-01-15 0