How to migrate from ansible vault to hashicorp vault
Ansible Vault
Today, all our project passwords are stored in ansible vault files, on file per environnement, stored in a « passwords » directory
They are loaded at the beginning of the main playbook :
--- - hosts: all:!localhost any_errors_fatal: true gather_facts: true pre_tasks: - include_vars: password/password_{{ env }}.yml connection: local no_log: True tags: - password - always
Usually, to add or modify a password, we have to fetch the ansible vault key from a remote server in the environment ; copy it into our workspace, then run the command
ansible-vault edit --vault-id .vault.dev passwords/password_dev.yml
Then we can edit the password, and re-commit / push the new vaulted password file to the git repository.
Hashicorp Vault
We are planning to migrate from ansible vault to hashicorp vault. This will simplify password management / re-generation with the great vault-ui.
To simplify the migration to Hashicorp Vault I’ve developped a tiny script to :
- decrypt all ansible vault password files
- convert each password file to json
- import each password file into hashicorp vault
- replace all passwords with the ansible lookup hashivault into the yaml file.
The requirement to this scripts are :
- jq : for json parsing
- curl : for hashicorp vault api authentication
- j2y : for converting yaml into json
- vault binary : for password import into hashicorp vault
- sed : for yaml replacement
- All ansible vault keys are in current directory (named « .vault.<env>« )
here is the script :
#!/bin/sh export VAULT_ADDR=https://vault.company.fr export VAULT_ROLE_ID=0acee709-b16c-4abd-20a3-12159d6c8b36 export VAULT_SECRET_ID=fcf81d75-bd31-6e8f-239b-fc09c5dd744e for i in $(find . -name 'password_*.yml'); do file=$(echo $i | cut -d '/' -f 2) env=$(echo $file | sed 's/password_//' | cut -d '.' -f 1) if [ -f ".vault.$env" ]; then cp $i $i.decrypt ansible-vault decrypt --vault-id .vault.$nna.$env $i.decrypt fi else cp $i $i.decrypt fi # converting to json $i.decrypt j2y -r $i.decrypt > password_$env.json rm -f $i.decrypt # Authenticate to $VAULT_ADDR data="{\"role_id\": \"${VAULT_ROLE_ID}\", \"secret_id\": \"${VAULT_SECRET_ID}\" }" export VAULT_TOKEN=$(curl -s -k -X POST ${VAULT_ADDR}/v1/auth/approle/login -d "$data" | jq '.auth.client_token') vault write secret/ida/$nna/$env @password_$env.json # converting yml file with lookup hashi_vault cp $i.decrypt $i.new sed -i "s!\([^:]*\):.*!\1: \"{{ lookup('hashi_vault', 'secret=secret/app/$env:\1') }}\"!" $i.new dos2unix $i.new done
Now I just have to run the ansible_vault_to_hashicorp.sh script and all my passwords are migrated.
To use the ansible lookup hashivault plugin the environment variables VAULT_ADDR and VAULT_TOKEN must be exported.
All our playbooks are launched from jenkins, So we just have to connect to hashicorp vault from Jenkins before ansible playbook.
To do that we use the Hashicorp Vault Jenkins Plugin that add a new Jenkins Hashicorp Vault credentialtials scoped to our application folder. Then before each build, the vault plugin will export the required variables.
Finally the ansible lookup plugin will fetch the passwords directly from hashicrop vault at runtime 🙂