Auteur/autrice : seuf

Zalando Postgresql operator

Kubernetes is a very powerful tool to manage containerized applications. You can manage containers with « pod » resource, lifecycle with « deployment » resource, network with « service » and « ingress » resources, etc.. And if you want, you can extends the list of resources that kubernetes can handle with custom resources definitions. Then those CRDs will be managed by an…

Par seuf 2022-11-15 0


This article is about Argocd and how to deploy applications in a Kubernetes cluster with Kustomize and the GitOps method. Kubernetes A lot of peoples thinks Kubernetes is very hard… But in fact you just have a few concepts to learn.In a Kubernetes cluster, everything is Object. Declare your object (Kind) specification and Kubernetes will…

Par seuf 2020-07-26 1

Ansible Playbook from Github Action

I’ve recently started a side project with Ansible and I wanted to automatise the Ansible playbook deployment with Github Action. Here is a tiny tutorial on how to use Github actions to run ansible playbooks to deploy stuff on Digital Ocean Droplets. SSH Key Before creating digital ocean droplets, you need to create a private…

Par seuf 2020-01-09 0


Since we have migrated all our application deployment to Kubernetes, we needed to automatize the deployment of each application for different environments (integration and production). By default kubectl files are not really customizable. That’s why we choose Kustomize to deploy our apps. And now Kustomize is part of kubectl binary. You can just put your…

Par seuf 2019-10-31 0