Catégorie : open source

How to migrate from ansible vault to hashicorp vault

Ansible Vault Today, all our project passwords are stored in ansible vault files, on file per environnement, stored in a « passwords » directory They are loaded at the beginning of the main playbook : — – hosts: all:!localhost any_errors_fatal: true gather_facts: true pre_tasks: – include_vars: password/password_{{ env }}.yml connection: local no_log: True tags: – password -…

Par seuf 2018-06-25 0

Ansible Mitogen

Today I discovered a new ansible strategy module that increase ansible performance a lot : Ansible Mitogen. Mitogen is a python library for writing distributed self-replicating programs. You can read a great article about this here : After some benchmark, I confirm : Mitogen is very fast ! I’ve divised my deployment by 2…

Par seuf 2018-05-28 2

Prometheus : Monitor docker services with grafana

Here is a little tutorial to setup Prometheus monitoring for a local docker daemon and host metrics with docker-compose and : prometheus node exporter for system metrics cadvisor for docker metrics First create a prometheus.yml config file like this : global: alerting: alertmanagers: – static_configs: – targets: # – alertmanager:9093 rule_files: # – « first_rules.yml » #…

Par seuf 2018-05-04 9

Ansible 2.5 grafana modules

  At work, we needed to automatize grafana installation and grafana provisionning (datasources, plugins and dashboards). So I’ve created 3 new ansible modules that will be released with the next version of ansible 2.5 The first module is grafana_datasource. If you have to create a lot of different datsources for your grafana instance in multiples…

Par seuf 2018-03-02 0

Zabbix – Send alerts to Slack

Today I’ve configured my Zabbix Server to automatically send alerts to the #alerting channel of my slack team. To to this, you have to create un new Incoming WebHook in your slack Team. Click on your team, select App and Integration. Search for Incoming Webhook Click « Add a configuration » Configure the webhook with the default…

Par seuf 2017-04-20 2

Wetty : un terminal dans ton navigateur

J’avais déjà fait un article sur GateOne, il y a un moment déjà. Mais celui-ci était plutôt lourd et difficile à installer. Et la dernièrement je suis tombé sur Wetty, une web app codée en NodeJS permettant d’avoir un terminal dans le navigateur ! Idéal pour pouvoir accéder à son serveur depuis le boulot quand…

Par seuf 2016-09-13 0

Alpine Linux : A Tiny Tiny Docker Image

Do you know Alpine Linux ? It’s a Tiny Linux distribution based on busybox. Every one working with docker now that it takes a lot of disk space. That’s why here at ERDF Lyon we are using Docker-Alpine to build our own services.. It is very cool to have a very small containers, for example…

Par seuf 2015-11-23 0

How to Use Ansible with Jenkins and Gitlab

Ansible In this article I will try to explain how, here at OI-ERDF Lyon we use ansible Through Jenkins. Ansible is an Open source Deployment and automation tool. It is based on ssh, so no agents are required and it’s compatible on Linux / Aix / Solaris and even Windows ! It use playbooks, writted…

Par seuf 2015-11-19 4